Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh Boy!!

Mommy had to go get a level 2 ultrasound today...Dr's orders! Reason being is that mommy's Alpha Fetal Protein Test came back with high levels, so they wanted to be make sure everything was ok with baby! Everything is wonderful & baby looks very healthy too! The baby is about 8 ounces & mommy is 17 weeks & 4 days along according to her ultrasound today! We also found out that I'm going to have a little brother! Wow! I can't believe it and neither can anyone else...we are shocked!
In this picture it says "O BOY!" and the arrow is pointing to his little weenie!

Baby lying down and the spine looks very straight and healthy too!
Baby still on his tummy!
He's looking at us (it looks a little scary) but it almost looks like he is smiling at us!

1 comment:

The Holtz's said...

Congats!! How exciting:):) I am so glad everything is looking great! And how fun to have a little brother;)!!