Saturday, February 27, 2010

All Ready for a Birthday Party!!

Here I am all ready to go to my friend Tyler's Birthday Party!

Instead of getting my face painted I got my arm painted! I love anything scary & one of my favorite colors is yellow! So I got a yellow spider painted on my arm!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Casper!!

Here is a wishing our dog Casper a very Happy Birthday! Casper has brought so much joy to our family & he is truly is the best dog ever! We are so lucky to have Casper in our lives for the past eight years & here is to many more Happy Birthdays! Happy 8th Bithday Casper, we love you beyond words can express!

Opening some gifts & treats from my family...

Here I am with my brother Vinnie, he brought me a new bed for my birthday!

Kaylee trying to put the birthday hat on me...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Celebrating My Belated Birthday at the Choo-Choo Restaurant!

Today I went to the Choo-Choo Restaurant to Celebrate My Belated Birthday, it was soo much fun! Here is a video of my birthday celebration, sometimes I get embarrassed easily!

Some more pictures...the last few you can see I had a cupcake & a milkshake, it was sooo yummy!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Kaylee Starts Ice-Skating Classes!

Today I started taking ice-skating lessons, here I am listening to the teacher before class starts...

I decided I don't like to participate with the class, so here I am with my grandma (she used to teach ice-skating at the same rink not that long ago). I like skating with my grandma much better than I do with the teacher...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My First Visit to the Dentist!

Today was my first visit to the dentist! The dentist said my teeth are sooo pretty (to keep up the good work)! I have 16 teeth, I got my own toothbrush & toothpaste, a bag of goodies & it didn't even hurt! I can't wait to go back in six months!