Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another Birthday Celebration!

Today was another birthday celebration with some very special friends & relatives. Thank you to everyone who made my 2nd birthday so special! I love you all very much!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to Me!

Today is my 2nd Birthday and my mommy & daddy cannot believe I am 2 already! Mommy wanted to start out by showing some pictures of me since I was born....

Kaylee Nicole-January 30th, 2007

Kaylee Nicole-January 30th, 2008

Kaylee Nicole-January 30th, 2009

We went to Rainforest Cafe today for my birthday lunch, it was soo much fun! They sang Happy Birthday to me & brought me an ice cream sundae with a candle too!

Having fun!

My grandma & me, her bithday is the 29th...a day before mine! Too bad we don't share a birthday, she is a very special person to me!

Happy Birthday to me!
Getting ready to eat my delicious sundae!

My favorite aunt Lizzy & I sharing a piece of cake!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Finally an Update!

Well my mommy had her surgery on the 9th and hopefully the baby stays put until July! Anyways, I have been working on this potty thing. I went shopping today with mommy and as you can see I picked out some Hello Kitty underwear! I did go on the potty tonight so that was very exciting! Before I went to bed I decided to wear my underwear over my jammies as you can see in the last picture below. Don't mind my bangs....I am letting them grow out! I will be 2 real soon, about a week until my birthday! I can't wait for the festivities to begin! Stay tuned....